
Here you find a collection of technical terms and concepts from zen, contemplation, mindfulnes as well as psychology and religious studies that stem from the traditions that are practiced at the Benediktushof.

We have compiled this collection to the best of our knowledge and belief. Every dictionary is a living web of concepts and therefore nevere complete. Therefore we welcome any suggestions for additions and improvements by e-mail.


I Ching

The I Ching (Chinese; literally “Book of Changes”), the oldest of the classical Chinese texts, is a collection of line drawings and associated sayings originally from oracle practice. In the course of the centuries, other possibilities of interpretation have followed, which interpret the I Ching from philosophical, cosmological or mystical points of view.


Ikebana (Japanese; literally “living flowers”) is the Japanese art of flower arranging. The meditative form of Ikebana is called Kadō (“path of flowers”). In Ikebana, natural and human order are combined with each other, so that in flower arrangement the cosmic order takes shape; at the same time, the arranger brings their own personality into the arrangement. The goal is harmony in structure, rhythm and color.

Initiatic sword work

The sword way is a meditative-therapeutic method for insight into one’s own motives. The conscious handling of the sword sharpens the understanding of the inner voice and strengthens the courage to act consistently. The sword stands for the spiritual principle of the sharp distinction between the essential and the unessential. The goals are clarity, determination, awareness and presence.

Integral Sound Massage

Sound massage is massage through sound vibrations: Singing bowls, gongs and cymbals are struck on or near the body. The Integral Sound Massage combines eastern and western healing methods and aims to harmonize the inner vibrational ability of the human being. It is based on the conviction that the inner sound of each person is one with the sound of the whole cosmos.

Integral Spirituality

Like all life, spirituality is also subject to evolution. Human consciousness has evolved over the course of thousands of years from an archaic to a magical, a mythical to a rational stage. According to the Integral Spirituality, the coming stage of development will be a transpersonal one, which goes beyond the person, and an integral spirituality, i.e. one that is aware of the last connection between cosmos and individual, will belong to this transpersonal consciousness. Especially the American philosopher and psychologist Ken Wilber has rendered outstanding services to the concept of “integral spirituality”.

Integrative Spirituality

Integrative spirituality refers to a form of spiritual theology (theologia spiritualis) that is in the tradition of the Catholic Church. The term specifies Christian spirituality, both in theory and practice. Its peculiarity is that it combines the fullness of the Christian tradition, a confessional identity and openness to other traditions. Syncretistic borrowings from other religions are not intended. It deals especially with the awareness of faith for the essential moments of spiritual life and is assigned to Christian mysticism.